Long time no update! Lots have been happening here. I finally got my sewing machine and started on my sundress... but then got side tracked and haven't gotten to finish it yet (hopefully will be done today!). I started a new hobby of purses which I'm really enjoying! I've bought a few patterns and fabrics and came up with some great combos!

This is my very first completed purse and I LOVE how it turned out! I could never use it because I carry way to much stuff but I could really see a college student or teen caring this around. I call this my "Brown and Blue Patchwork Pattern Hobo Purse" I have it listed at $25, a steal! You can find it in both my Etsy and Artfire shop (I prefer Artfire, no fees!).

This one here is actually my third purse completed. My second was a nightmare to make and was for myself. I'll have to do a different post on that one. Anyways I call this purse my "Light Blue and Green Summer Spring Floral Pleated Purse". This is also in both my shops. I really love this one too because it's so deep, a good foot! And I of course adore the pattern! I will have to hurry to the store and pick up some more.
I've just recently lost my "real" job working for a company I actually saw a future with. I'm still hurt over the whole thing that went down. But with the loss I find myself now with some free time to make more wonderful purses... but I must sell these first so I can acquire more fabric. I have one purse ready to go but I'm out of interfacing... a must need for any purse! Also with this new free time (when I have a moment away from my lovely son) I can actually update my blog more and promote! Wish me luck in whatever my future may hold!